Today was the 1st day of the 49th Annual summer school hosted by Bangalore Science Forum and today was truly mind opening. The inaugural address was given by Prof. Umesh V Waghmare , who is a scientist and works in the Theoretical sciences unit in Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research and he talked about how basic ideas lead to technologies.
science, as the name itself suggests, is the base for any kind of discoveries
in the field of science, especially for the development of advanced technologies.
For a structure to be stable a solid foundation is required, likewise, for new
and advanced development of technologies the knowledge of basic science is very
essential. In modern days it is a common
and blind belief of people that there is not much scope for basic or pure
science, the chance of succeeding is less, we can’t get good remuneration in
initial stages etc, but it is not so. Without theoretical and practical
researches in basic science one cannot imagine development of other fields co-related
with science, directly or indirectly. He first gave a few ideas about how ideas
changed the world like farming and gravity and relativity then he introduced us
to the top 10 inventions in the 20th century like a personal
computer, nuclear power, airplane etc…then he decided to start with a few
specific topics like antibiotics and transistors likewise he spoke about
antibiotics first. Antibiotics basically kill harmful bacteria. In 1928
Alexander Fleming identified Penicillin, the first antibiotic although it was
not bacterial it was fungal. He won the
Nobel Prize for it In 1945.In 1933 Domagk discovered the bacterial drug
Prontosil and he won the Nobel prize for it in the year 1939. And after speaking
about antibiotics he spoke about transistors.
The above picture is a diagram of a transistor.
A transistor is a
semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical
power as given by Wikipedia.It was first developed by William Shockley, in 1937
he proposed – like how we can control the flow of water by the tap we can also
control the flow of electrons.To prove this he worked with John Bardeen ,
Walter Brattain in 1947( the year we got independence ) and won the Nobel prize for it in
1956.Bardeen is the only person till date who has won two Nobel prizes in
physics. One for the transistor and the other for the
theory of superconductors in the year 1972. Now we know that Bardeen won a
Nobel Prize for the theory of superconductors , but what are superconductors?
Waghmare Sir explained that to us too.
Super conductors are metals that
show zero resistance when subjected to very low temperatures near absolute
zero. For example mercury shows its superconductivity when subjected to
temperatures below 4.2 Kelvin.
The technologies based on super
conductors are
MRI in hospitals
Power transmission and
Magnetic sensors.
The Josephson junction can
identify extremely small magnetic fields and they won the nobel prize for it as
the same time Bardeen won it for the theory of superconductors – 1972.
Now we all light up our houses
with bulbs and tubelights , they consume a lot of electricity but on the other
hand there are LED lights which produce much more light with minimal
electricity .Professor told us about
them also. Akasaki, Amano and Nalamura worked on it and won the Nobel Prize for
their work on blue LEDs in 2014.
the negatively charged particles and positively charged particles come together
they produce light and this is the working principle of LED. LED’s ARE
He also talked about
spontaneous symmetry breaking,that is, a substance changing its structure when
subjected to lower or higher temperature .
Scientists believe
that one of the reasons they believe the titanic sank was because the rivets
used to make the ship, in the sense bind the parts of the ship became brittle
due to the very cold temperatures and broke off,thus flooding water in the ship when it hit the
ice berg and with this he summarized the lecture and had a discussion with a
few students .
At 11:30 there was a
session about scientific temper , the capacity of an individual , the thinking
capacity and the way of asking questions . They told one story of a boy who was
watching a hen incubating its eggs . Out of the 4 eggs only 2 eggs were hatched
so the boy thought that he will sit on the eggs and make them hatch . When the hen saw the boy sitting on its eggs it started poking him with its beak and there
was a fight between the duck and the boy . This may sound funny for people but
if we observe there is some kind of creativity in his thinking, he wanted to
try out different experiment, he wanted to know if the eggs could hatch if he
sits on it ? how much time will it take for the eggs to hatch if he sits on it?
Like this he had many questions in his mind which could be answered only by
experiments. Though his experiment got
flopped he gained the knowledge that the eggs cannot be hatched by a human
being. This guy is non-other than the famous scientist Thomas Alva Edison.
While inventing light bulb he failed 999 times but the 1000th time he was
succeeded in inventing the light bulb. When people asked him about his failure
for 999 times he told that he got to know the different methods in which a
light bulb cannot be made .He even told that No amount of experimentation can
ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. After hearing that
I felt that there is no mistake in experimenting things nor step back because
people will laugh at you when your experiment did not become successful .
The teacher made the
class interesting by telling this story and it encouraged us also for
conducting experiments and ask questions to ourselves to find the answer which
lies within us. This has truly and at utmost level been very informative and
inspiring. I thank the organizers for providing us with this opportunity.
Report presented by Group 1. Basavanagudi : Nagashree, Bhoomika , Sai Chandana , Chaitra , Vaishnovi and Pallavi.
Report presented by Group 1. Basavanagudi : Nagashree, Bhoomika , Sai Chandana , Chaitra , Vaishnovi and Pallavi.
Very nice report Pallavi N B and group.
ReplyDeleteVery nice report Pallavi N B and group.