The 5th day of 52nd annual summer camp was on 28th of April 2023. Today we continued our journey through the field of robotics and electronics. We were guided by the teachers from the national college .
All of us curiously and most excitedly participated in today’s session . We learned about an application-An application is a computer software package that performs a specific function directly for an end user or, in some cases, for another application .
After the introduction to applications we were briefed about it’s types -Mobile applications need to be installed from the app store, while web applications can be easily viewed from any browser and thus do not need to be installed. After which all of got together collected a few examples for each of them .
Then we took step into the broad room pf operating systems . -A computer program that organizes a number of other programs at the same time is known as operating system.
We all discussed about the android an its many versions - The Android platform includes an operating system based upon the Linux kernel, a GUI, a web browser and end-user applications that can be downloaded. Android 13 is the 13th major release of Google's Android operating system, released for the public on August 15, 2022.
We found out today because of our mentors that we could build our own android app!.. We werethen guided through a step to step process of building a basic functional app using MIT builder- To build the android app we can use an application called as MIT. In MIT application after logging in we can see different options on left side of the computer and on right we can use different tools to make an app. By choosing layouts we can make vertical or horizontal charts(like in whatsapp we have vertical scroll down option).By adding texts we can design the app.We have an option called as align, by it we can make the texts in right, centre or left. We can also change the colours and add different designs to the app.
Did you know that the popular micro processer Arduno UNO can be programmed easily ? Even we were shocked when we were introduced to C++ -We used block method to code the circuits in th e previous classes but today we learnt text coding where a language called as C++ is used .Computer programmers write, modify, and test code and scripts that allow computer software and applications to function properly. Cheat codes means like the name suggests, a very small compact sheet containing all the idea is to condense as much info as possible in small space. for programming languages its generally a compilation of important syntax, neat tricks, data types, commonly used library functions .
We didn’t stop after just learning about it , we continued and wrote a code which commanded the arduno board to start blinking a few LED’s, and again sir gave a step to step description of the process -
First we should go to the application called as arduino UDI. Then we have to code,first we should setup pin numbers connecting to the arduino board . Then come to void loop we can code the program. By this we are communicating to the arduino board.
This was the end of another jaw dropping robotic class.
-By members of group 3- Maha AIshwarya.S , Jayanth , Kiran and Kaushal
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